By Maureen46
United Kingdom
I discovered this plant growing under my tree, never seen it has grown to about 8' high has about 4 stems but full of flowers. Can anyone tell me what it is and advise on how to move it as obviously can't stay under tree.
Many thanks

12 Oct, 2013
As it's flowering so well it seems happy under the tree so you need not move it. Prune it hard in spring and it will rapidly grow back to its full size which is about 5-6 feet.
If you want to move it now is a good time. Dig it up with as much root ball as possible and replant immediately.
Probably best to give it a prune first to reduce the leaf burden so it doesn't lose water too quickly
12 Oct, 2013
Lysisteria Formosa, pheasant berry.
Some people regard it as a thug because it self-seeds freely.
I wouldn't think you need to do anything. Leave it alone and next year you'll have a number of others in the garden and can choose which one to keep.
12 Oct, 2013