By Pn59ebf
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
in companion planting,does it make any difference which nasturtium i plant to to protect my brassica's from butterflies
14 Oct, 2013
Diane Bulley recommended one of the mallow family whose name I can never remember. A pity because I tried it and it worked. Would put a photo on if this would help.Cabbage whites do love ordinary nasturtiums but I don't know whether they would choose them in preference to cabbages.
14 Oct, 2013
Well the companion planting guides say that they will Stera.
14 Oct, 2013
Fantastic - will try it next year. Strangely they ignored my nasturtiums this year even though I kept telling them to go round the back where they were growing. Maybe butterflies are hard of hearing.
14 Oct, 2013
You need to have the nasturtiums right next to the brassicas, that is the only way it works. Interesting this is that the old cottage gardens were a guddle of flowers and veggies no neat rows of this and that... perhaps the old folk knew rather more than we do!
14 Oct, 2013
Discussed on Gardeners' Question Time in the last few days, they said it doesn't matter what you plant, the trick is to underplanting the cabbages over the whole plot so that the butterflies can't distinguish the cabbage from the soil.
14 Oct, 2013
Could you expand on that statement Urbanite... I would have thought the butterflies could distinguish between different plants and how do you keep the weeds under control?
14 Oct, 2013
Snoop, the broccoli got eaten but you didn't say whether the cabbages did?
14 Oct, 2013
Re underplanting: apparently the butterflies are genetically programmed to recognise the shape of the cabbage against the cabbage's natural seashore habitat. If you disguise the cabbage by putting it on a green background the butterfly doesn't see it and flies past. So you underplant the cabbages to hide the soil.
That was the theory - I always thought the butterflies could 'smell' the cabbages and the point of companion planting was to confuse the scent.
If you choose the right plants there aren't any weeds - can't recall which plants they suggested though (that bit didn't interest me!) so I'll try to find it on iPlayer.
14 Oct, 2013
found the GQT piece: at about 27 minutes in
15 Oct, 2013
Previous question
« Does anyone know the name of this flower? It blooms in late Summer.
Not that I am aware of T & M has some good advice on the topic
14 Oct, 2013