By Kazza123
United Kingdom
how do you look after chinese lampion
17 Oct, 2013
23-35 c ???
To be honest kazza, they can be a bit invasive. I grow mine from seed in a mixed herbaceous border....part sun, normal chalky loam and no other attention and they spread like mad. If you see some, ask if you can dig a few roots up.
18 Oct, 2013
thanks. i have just planted some outside but the leaves seem to be dying off should i do anything with them
18 Oct, 2013
Hi, as far as I am aware, physalis alkekengii, is completely hardy, although there are about 80 species, ranging from completely hardy, to frost hardy, but I don't know of 1 that requires 23-35c, maybe fahrenheit, that would about cover all the species, Derek.
18 Oct, 2013
20 Oct, 2013
LOL! Sorry, Badfish, but that IS moderately warm for my desert climate! :)
It will probably grow in temps at least 8º C lower, but if night temps go much below 10º C, it will probably think that it is time to go to sleep for the winter.
23 Oct, 2013
Previous question
Physalis alkekengii? They like moderate warmth (23º-35º C) moderate and regular water, and moderately rich soil. Best production of the "lanterns" with full sun, though it can tolerate much shade.
17 Oct, 2013