I have a garden in Provence and I am shutting it down for winter. The garden supports lavender, iris and all grey leaf plants as well as roses. I do not want to return to masses of weeds so I am putting a thick mulch of natural pine bits, bought locally. Will this change the PH balance of the soil? We are in a lime area but surrounded by pine forests. It is hard enough keeping my plants alive anyway. I don't want to add to their problems.
19 Oct, 2013
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When you say 'natural pine bits', do you mean from a tree surgeon, chipped up pine tree, or just the bark. The bark's pretty inert, whereas the chipped woody stuff will break down and might lower the fertility of the soil. However, NEITHER will alter much the pH. Even naturally falling pine needles don't acidify the soil, because, by the time they've fallen, they've dried, and any content is inert. Green needles, too, have been tested, and it makes little difference, as they are only very slightly on the acidic side. You can go for it, safely.
19 Oct, 2013