By Jeaneggett
East Yorkshire ,
United Kingdom
Hello - need advice on hardy fuchsias. I bought a white one last spring which is still doing well and flowering in a large pot. Because I was told it was hardy, can it be kept outside during winter in a sheltered spot and also do I prune it at all? It is now 2 feet tall.
20 Oct, 2013
Yes, thank-you for that. I do not know the name but it certainly has very dainty flowers. It flowered in late spring, and has now flowered again this autumn. So, from what you say, I should leave it alone, with some protection outside and trim accordingly next spring. Many thanks.
20 Oct, 2013
Hello.I have several hardy fuchias in my garden here in north west France.One has a trunk 2 inches in diameter,it was here when we moved in.It had been neglected for at least 13 years.I gave it a very hard prune in the autome 3 years ago and it is now 5ft tall and still going,All I do in the winter is cover with flees gust to stop the frost and ice from damaging the dorment buds.Works all right for me.
20 Oct, 2013
If its Hawkshead it will have the potential to grow into a large bush. It could well be, as there are very few white ones. These are usually left to grow to their full size with only any deadwood being removed, but any hardy one is left unpruned over winter and then cut back in spring when the new growth appears. Left in a pot it will have more restricted growth but you'll have to be careful about feeding.
20 Oct, 2013
If the pot is big enough to protect the roots from severe cold, then it should be ok left out (although for safety I'd put it in the lee of a hedge or something). In spring it'll come back into growth from low down on the plant and then you can tidy it up, pruning down to the new growth. Is it fuchsia 'Hawkshead', little dainty flowers like a white F. riccartonii? If so, moderately hardy
20 Oct, 2013