Gazina flower
By Birdie
United States
My gazinas bloom and then the next day the petals are eaten. I can never enjoy them. I've sprayed with Sevin, but no luck they still get eaten. What can I do?
12 Jun, 2008
I have no idea what is eating them. I do not see any bugs. I don't think we have rabbits. It is just the petals of the flower...not the whole flower. I sprayed with Sevin and it did no good. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I am willing to try anything. Thanks
13 Jun, 2008
Is 'Sevin' an animal repellent? If you think it may be birds or animals, why not try some netting for a short time and see what happens - OR - you could stick some pieces of holly or other prickly shrub around them so that the critters get the message and leave your flowers alone. Also watch out for snails/slugs and take appropriate measures against these.
13 Jun, 2008
We live in SC and have a lot of frogs. Do frogs eat flowers? Thanks for you help. I will see what I can do about something prickly.
13 Jun, 2008
Here is another thought on the gazinias........could it be that the flower is growing that (petals look eaten) way due to too much water, not enough water, poor soil etc? What do you think about that?
14 Jun, 2008
I think that frogs only eat insects etc.
14 Jun, 2008
25 Jun, 2009
Do you know what is eating them?
12 Jun, 2008