By Johnandlinda
United Kingdom
Our lawn has developed patches of a green slime which is difficult to scrape up and it extremely slippy if stood on. Any ideas what causes this and possible remedy.
Thank you.
On plant
Thank you both for your comments will take your advice to try and rectify.
22 Oct, 2013
I agree with Bamboo. It sounds as though you have a drainage problem. If the lawn is in lots of shade that will make matters worse.
22 Oct, 2013
If your lawn is compacted, then I'd suggest you aerate by inserting fork tines about 9 inches apart all over, and also use a lawn mosskiller such as Doff (or any which contains ferrous sulphate). These products are intended for moss control, but often have the convenient side effect of treating this type of algal/slime mould problem.
22 Oct, 2013