By Beegee
East Sussex,
United Kingdom
i'm thinking of buying a new greenhouse ,is polycarbonate as good as glass .thanks for any replies .B.
27 Oct, 2013
Hi, I would go or horticultural glass every time, polycarbonate is supposed to be a bit warmer, but I believe it has a tendency to blow out of the frame quite easily, and does not allow as much light in as glass, Derek.
27 Oct, 2013
Polycarbonate can also pop out when the weather's hot due to expansion. The main advantage over glass is safety, especially if you have children or pets running around. However, you can buy toughened glass panels for greenhouses. They are usually longer, the size of three ordinary glass panels laid end to end so one panel will fit from roof to floor.
27 Oct, 2013
Depends what you are growing in winter. The Germans and Dutch tend to use polycarbonate in woodenframe greenhouses as it has better insulation than glass. It also protects seedlings in summer as you actually do not want them to burn under glass.
I have a woodenframed polycabonate GH and I much prefer it and I have much better results than glass.
27 Oct, 2013
agree with all above but polycarb does go cloudy after 5+ years. certainly in a wooden frame they don't pop out as easily as they do in metal framed ones.
28 Oct, 2013
personally no, but it's a good substitute
27 Oct, 2013