By Pugh
United Kingdom
Can I raise my daliah tubers now before the frost
28 Oct, 2013
I'd personally leave them in the ground for as long as you can. A slight frost will only blacken and kill the foliage, i always lift them after this has happened in order to give those tubers as long as possible in the ground. The tubers only really get affected with severe, deep frosts.
28 Oct, 2013
I would follow Kildermories advice except once cut off, leave for at least 2 weeks before lifting. This will encourage eyes to form for next years cuttings.
If you follow badfish, again, once blackened, cut off and leave for 2 weeks.
At this time of year, tubers will be as good as they are going to be.
28 Oct, 2013
The ground is really wet after the storms, so I have begun to lift mine to dry out. With the lower temperatures leaving them till the first frost runs the risk of damaging the tubers.
28 Oct, 2013
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Anytime now. You cut off all the leaves but leave 3'' or so of stalk on the plant. Shake off all the soil and store in a frost free place.
28 Oct, 2013