United Kingdom
I recently posted a question regarding a strange fruit that I found, and have now by chance positively identified it, and would like to thank those who responded to my query.
It is in fact the fruit of a twining climber originating from China/Japan, and that climber is Akebia Quinata, a good alternative to Russian Vine for hiding the unsightly.
Thanks to all,
David Wheatley.
29 Oct, 2013
I'm glad that you found out what it was David. If you post this where you originally asked the question then everyone that participated in answering the question would be automatically notified.
29 Oct, 2013
A belated thank you (due to computer incompetence!)
to all who responded to my recent query regarding the fruit I found in the garden, and now identified as Akebia.
David Wheatley.
30 Oct, 2013
Previous question
Ah, Akebia Quinata. That makes sense now as I had thought that you had halved the fruit and Akebia Quinata fruit naturally opens like that! I am growing ones from seed this year round a yew (It sounded a good idea to me at the time). They germinated within a few weeks in the greenhouse this summer.
29 Oct, 2013