By Kate40club
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
What would be best for me to do,lift dahlia tubers and store them over winter or could I just cut them right down and cover well with compost..I live in uk.thanks
30 Oct, 2013
great thank you :)
30 Oct, 2013
I lift mine and store in a very lightly most mixture of peat and sand - About Feb but allow them to dry out 1st I hang mine for about a week to let them get rid of any sap in the hollow cain - I bring them out and place each tuber int a box of damp compost not covering them fully and lable them put them onto my bench in the green house - once the new shoots are about 3 inches tall I pot on into a mixture of potting compost and grit - you can cut the tubers from the main stem as long as you take them with an eye still atached or they will not produce groth
31 Oct, 2013
Either will do. As long as the tubers are protected from frost, they should be fine. If frost is likely to penetrate below a few inches, then I'd be inclined to lift and store, just short of dry, so they stay nice and plump for next spring.
30 Oct, 2013