By Bigalfie
United Kingdom
I have planted 2 good gallery dahlias under gravel Gloucester will they survive winter they are hardy perreinal and fairy protectedl
1 Nov, 2013
Yep I agree with above answer - I grow Dahlias (Dinner Plate) -- best way to make sure is lift them and store them - Dont cut down plant until it has turned black from 1st heavy frost - cut growth off to about 4 inches from soil level (if you want a true replica from the plant) - If not just collect the seed heads and dry them out then plant them up for next year -- I hang my tubers upside down for a week after lifting to drain them any sap from the hollow stalk then I place into very slightly damp sand (stops them drying out) and place in the dark (covered with black bag) in a cold green house or garage
2 Nov, 2013
Sorry, can't guarantee they'll survive - the recommendation for these is the same as for all other tuberous rooted dahlias - lift and store somewhere frost free over winter. In a sheltered, sunny, dry spot where the soil is very free draining, they do sometimes survive, but generally, they rot in the ground over winter.
1 Nov, 2013