By Sadie
west midlands,
United Kingdom
Actinidia Kolomikta
This shrub is getting very leggy. When is the best time to trim back please.
3 Nov, 2013
I have. I lost my first one because the local cats rubbed against it so much. The replacement had protection of a wire mesh 'collar'
3 Nov, 2013
It doesn't look that sort of plant, does it? Not yet a problem I've faced, but I'll remember it now, thanks.
4 Nov, 2013
Thanks for the info.
5 Nov, 2013
About Mid Feb. It's ever so hardy. Has yours flowered? If it does, July-ish, they're scented. The fruit is only produced on female plants, which don't have the variegation. So, all the plants in cultivation, and commercially available, are male. Cats apparently love it, but I've never seen evidence of that.
3 Nov, 2013