By Hillier22
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have had my Mimosa 3years and it has only flowered the first year, although it produces loads of flower buds, any ideas?? Live in Sheffield mimosa Gaulois
5 Nov, 2013
Hmm...buds mean that it is thinking of blooming, though, Ken. What happens to the buds, Hillier? Late frost? Wind? In a pot and allowed to dry out? Those are the most common causes.
5 Nov, 2013
I'm amazed you can grow it in Sheffield as the winters can be so cold as I well remember. Very best of luck with it and I do hope it flowers for you next year.
5 Nov, 2013
Hi, welcome to G o y, first of all, can I ask you which species of Mimosa you have, {there are about 400 species} and also, Acacia dealbata, and Albizia julibrissin, are commonly called Mimosa.
Mimosa are at best frost tender, whilst Acacia can be half hardy to frost tender, Albizia are frost hardy to frost tender.
Can you tell us where you're growing it, eg, in a greenhouse, indoors, light conditions etc, Derek.
5 Nov, 2013
Hi, either I didn't notice you said Gaulois, {astier?}, or it has been added, but either way, this is a variety of Acacia dealbata, which is half hardy, and flowers in late winter/early spring, but you have not told us yet, where you're growing it, Derek.
7 Nov, 2013
it must be at least 10 feet tall before it will even think of flowering - it will flower between May and July and it likes FULL sunlight - Ken
5 Nov, 2013