By Ladyliz
United Kingdom
My privet hedge is looking very poor after the summer, there are patches that are completely bare. I have been told if I cut it down to the ground it will regrow healthily,but I am worried it may be the final straw to killing it off. Any suggestions?
- 9 Nov, 2013
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I wouldn't cut yet I would wait for the winter to be over 1st, as in a bad winter it will drop all its leaves , so last week in March is a good opportunity to cut down hard.
How old is the hedge ? are the bare patches just dead ??
They are greedy plants , and thirsty in a summer we have just had , they do bounce back with some TLC and regular clipping .
Make sure you have no weeds or grass competing for food and water at the base of the hedge and I would either give it a rose food in the spring or a bit cheaper growmore, or blood fish and bone .
Any photo's
9 Nov, 2013