United Kingdom
Thinking of doing a bee keeping course and getting my own hive. Does anyone else keep bees?
1 Mar, 2010
Hello, i don't keep bees but I try and plant as many bee attracting flowers in the summer as possible. I hear that the Co-Op is offering free courses with . Sounds a bit too good to be true but apparently that is the case. Might be worth a look. I also think that Omlet run courses
1 Mar, 2010
sounds very interesting pottingmad ill have to look into that thanx . aparrantly city or town honey if you like is more tasty than the country stuff . the reasen being in the country any single hive mite only cover a few crops but in the city because peoples like pottingmads gardens have so much diversity which equals flaver so dont let that stop you keeping a hive.anyway thanx again take care bye for now xx.
1 Mar, 2010
Ive read the same about city gardens making better honey due to more variety of flowers.
One of our members is getting me a phone number of a local chap who keeps bees. I too shall look up the Co op with regards to courses.
1 Mar, 2010
brilliant i guess 3 sheeps heads are better than 2 lol take care bye for now x x
2 Mar, 2010
i dont keep bees but i am also very interested in keeping a hive as they are dying out.they are what keeps us alive and i think its only fair to help them out.i figure at the end of the garden they will make a good deterent from burglers and i get yummy honey.ill have to keep in touch as we can pool our resources.im going to look on google about bee keeping . my email addy is noseypotter41@hotmail.com if you want to keep in touch about bee keeping . as my nan sais 2 heads are better than 1 even if there sheeps heads lol xx
1 Mar, 2010