By Thecat
United Kingdom
I've just lifted my dahlia tubers & they're in really big bunches & quite large. Can I trim of some of the bigger ones? I've lifted them the last 2 yrs but this year is exceptional.
11 Nov, 2013
cut down the stems to about 4-6inches - sand upside down to drain for a few days - you can remove the the smaller tubers from the main stem as long as it has an eye at the end near the stem as this will produse the new shoot next season - store in sand or peat Damp NOT wet to stop them from rotting. Eyes begin to swell quickly, typically within 4 to 8 days after the plant is destroyed by frost or being cut down. If you wish to divide the tubers when eyes are optimally visible, you should dig and divide the tubers in that 4 to 8 day window - good luck Ken
11 Nov, 2013