The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

port erin, Isle of Man

Anchorman, or anybody else who can give advice regarding my previous questions. The answers i have seen to my questions, apart from griselinia being very simple to grow from cuttings, have all related to how I can tell if the cuttings have rooted if I plant them in see through containers. As I stated in my questions, I've already planted them. Nobody has answered any questions regarding removing the smaller pot, and what the infilling consists of. What the consistency of the filling of the pots that I transfer the individual cuttings to is. At what size do I move from a 6" pot to a 12" pot. To be honest, none of my questions were answered, so if anyone could take the time to have a look at my original post, and provide answers, I would be very grateful. Apart from Ken, as I think you posted your best effort in your original reply, which I would have found amusing pre teens. I only hope my cuttings have better luck in reaching maturity than you.



If you need to know about cuttings another way is to use Goypedia, the alphabet at the bottom of this page will take you there.
Choose C then scroll down to cuttings, there you will find all sorts of information and photos, I hope something there will help

21 Nov, 2013


Is this the way to make friends? We did give your question the best advice we could.I for one had never heard of using two pots one inside the other for cuttings, and I can't quite visualise what you were describing.

If I've understood you, can you simply lift out the first container, remove the cutting from it and replant it in the larger one, using ordinary multi purpose compost?
If you use this compost there will be no need to worry about the consistency as it is correct when you buy it.
If this isn't what you meant perhaps you could try to explain again, with a photo?

I would not plant a young cutting straight into a 6" or move straight from a 6" to a 12" - its better to do it in more gradual stages. If you are unsure how to tell when to pot on try standing your cuttings on a tray of compost. Peridiocally lift one of the pots and when you see little white roots emerging from the base of the pot its time to move it on to the next size.Ideally you pot on when the original pot has roots right up to the edges of the pot but not wound together in a tight mesh.
I am sorry you find us immature. This is a friendly site and we do enjoy a smile from time to time. No unkindness to you was intended.

21 Nov, 2013


I didn't read the whole question Stera, thats a very tactful answer!

We are not experts bushmann but gardening people who enjoy talking about plants and gardens (and other things. :0)
it can be days before someone gets time to come onto goy, or they can be on at the same time as you.
Some people are extremly knowledgeable as they are professional gardeners, other are gardeners who love their gardens and are happy to pass on their advice, generally as Stera says we are a friendly site thats fun to belong to.

The easiest way to get a reply is to write below the answer to your question. You do not need to add a separate question as anyone who has commented will be notified.

22 Nov, 2013


The problem is you're asking too many questions at the same time. Think how long it took you to ask all the questions and them multiply that by 5-10 for how long it will take to write out the answers

You might find this group of photos I produced on Flickr
on the pot in pot method useful

PS making snide remarks about posters on here will not encourage people to spend time answering your questions

22 Nov, 2013


Thanks Pamg, I was a bit dubious about it, but often people new on here don't realise what sort of site it is, so I thought it was benefit of the doubt time. I've PM'd him with as much more help I could give in case Anchorman didn't see the reply.

22 Nov, 2013


I know Stera, I sometimes get the impression they think we are a team like on gardeners question time. :0)

23 Nov, 2013

How do I say thanks?

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