By Carrothead
United Kingdom
What can you do to stop rabbits eating your plants?
13 Jun, 2008
You might try sprinkling pepper around the plants, you do have to keep re-applying this though. Like deer, they are hard to control. I also I tell the bunnies to go across the street where my neighbors plant lettuce!!!
14 Jun, 2008
I deliberately bought one of those plants to pot up amongst my bedding plants, my 'free range' rabbit went to investigate straight away and promptly gorged herself on the blooming plant!!!!!!!!!!!! Useless it was- only solution: rabbit stew!
20 Jun, 2008
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Not a lot - try buying some animal repellent spray from B&Q or a Garden Centre and spray the ones they go for or where you think the rabbits are coming in -. I have planted a 'Scaredy Cat' plant (Coleus canina) near the hole my pesky friend dug, It says on the label that rabbits don't like it. We shall see!
13 Jun, 2008