By Marijon
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
i have about two inches below the surface of a flower bed what appears to be a net work of fine roots cthat make it impossible to dig down or turn over the soil. the only real shrub is alilac bush. any ideas?
5 Mar, 2010
If you want to plant individuals use a sharp spade and dig planting holes rther than digging over the full bed. Make the hole at least x2 the size of the pot the plant is coming out off. Mix in plenty of compost/humus with the soil dug out and then back fill the plant you have put in.
The alternative is to remove the lilac :o( unless you hate it in which case :o)
welcome to GoY too.
5 Mar, 2010
Sounds like your Lilac is spreading its wings, or its roots. It does have a wide spreading fine root system.
5 Mar, 2010