By Louise1
United Kingdom
Can someone tell me whether this is a sucker ?
This growth is at the base of my twisted hazel and i think it's a sucker and therefore should be removed but i'd like someone to confirm it before i hack off good growth !
If it 'is' a sucker, what's the best way to remove them ?
Thanks :-)
On plant
Corylus avellana 'Contorta' (purpurea)

6 Mar, 2010
It is growing from the stock, if you let it grow it will take over and you will have a common hazel. Do as Spritz says and rub them out in the early stages with finger and thumb.
6 Mar, 2010
Thanks both, i'll get it done tomorrow.
6 Mar, 2010
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It is likely to be, Louise and anyway, do you want new growth from the base? Don't use your Felcos on it, pull it off. Is that more new growth further down? I'd treat that the same, to be on the safe side.
6 Mar, 2010