By Nariz
Storing onions with potatoes.
From harvest last year we stored our crop of red and white onions hanging in bunches from the beams in our boiler house alongside net bags of our potatoes - red and white varieties, and ALL the red onions have started to sprout! The white onions are still perfect. Anyone have any views/experience on this as we don't want it to happen again? We also have apples stored on shelves in the same boiler house.
10 Mar, 2010
I agree MG we have loads of onions left and I am regularly pulling sprouting ones out to try and use them up first!
10 Mar, 2010
Thanks guys, but it does seem strange that last year we stored red onions on their own - no potatoes or apples for company - and none of them sprouted before we used them. I'm clutching at straws here and just hoping that someone will say "This is the reason ......." I've heard all sorts of myths/legends regarding storing onions with potatoes and heard just as many saying it makes no difference. I guess I'll just have to try other methods of storage or continue making red onion marmalade, onion chutney, French onion soup ..... etc. etc .........
11 Mar, 2010
I wonder if you have different weather this winter to that you had last year and that is the reason they have started growing early this year?
11 Mar, 2010
Well Ian, like everyone it seems, we've had a harsh winter with many nights and days of minus temperatures, whereas last winter was fairly mild. But I would have expected a milder winter to have made the onions sprout rather than a very cold one?
12 Mar, 2010
Different variety of red onion?
12 Mar, 2010
No - same variety.
13 Mar, 2010
Ah well life is a mystery at times
13 Mar, 2010
Would the colder weather followed by the really mild spell we're having cause them to sprout?
13 Mar, 2010
Good point Ian
13 Mar, 2010
Sorry - no again. They started to sprout during days and nights of minus degree temperatures. You may assume it's something to do with the fact that they are stored in a 'BOILER HOUSE' - with the main word being 'BOILER' - but it's quite cold out there - more like a garden shed - cold but frost-free. It's just such an annoyance to have to rush to use them up before they go soft and rotten when the other variety - white with brown skin - are all 'supermarket-perfect' and last year our red onions were also perfect. Maybe I was just sold a 'rogue' set?
14 Mar, 2010
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Onions do start to sprout eventually. It has nothing to do with your storing them with the potatoes.
10 Mar, 2010