By Vinegar
United Kingdom
I have not received the answer to my question on peonies. I have three tubers.Pleasehow do I treat them to get ready for planting.
13 Mar, 2010
The top of the tubers should be no more than 1 inch below the surface of the soil. The buds need cold ripening to initiate flowering. Planting too deep is the main cause of non-flowering.
13 Mar, 2010
I had to move some of mine today as I have to clear a small area to widen the drive for the daughter's car :o(. Mine were between 2-4 inches down with the bottom of the tubers being about 6" down. They have just started to show their pinky tips so hopefully they will still flower for me this year. They have flowered for 7yrs now, so fingers crossed.
13 Mar, 2010
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hi vinegar, your question is on the next page. but in case you cant find it here goes.
Plant your tubers asap. they dont need to go deep. If there are soil 'marks' on the dead stem [if they have them] then plant to the same depth. certainly no deeper than 4". They can go in semi shade as well as full sun.
welcome to GOY too.
13 Mar, 2010