County Tyrone,
United Kingdom
is common jasmine frost hardy iwant to know if frost will kill it
14 Mar, 2010
The common Winter Jasmine with yellow flowers is hardy to minus 15C here with us.
15 Mar, 2010
I wish it would!! I put in a Jasmine and it has spread all over the garden - a complete nightmare!
15 Mar, 2010
lol Genuis, I'd come on just to say I'd be grateful if frost would kill the damn thing back a bit, never mind kill it altogether...
15 Mar, 2010
My winter flowering jasmine is looking healthier than ever. After the winter we just had. They thrive on harsh conditions and neglect, the Common Jasmine doesn't.
22 Mar, 2010
What do you mean by the 'common' jasmine, Sarraceniac? For me, it is winter jasmine that is the common one.
22 Mar, 2010
Jasminum officinale, a white half hardy, climbing, summer flowering one is also known as the common jasmine. So that is what I mean by it. Just as the winter flowering jasmine is called by many people 'the winter jasmine' and not the Jasminum nudiflorum.
24 Mar, 2010
That's the one I assumed it meant too, Sarraceniac - Guest, the straightforward answer to your question is no.
24 Mar, 2010
Must be an effect of the north/south divide but I don't ever remember seeing J. offinale up here. My parents used to have it in S. Yorks but here we only seem to grow J. nudiflorum.
24 Mar, 2010
It's like another world up there, Bulbaholic, lol
24 Mar, 2010
Previous question
There are loads of jasmine varieties. Some are hardy but most of them are only a bit better than half hardy. The most popular one (officinale) is hardy against a south facing wall in warmer parts of the UK. With the winter we just had I think a lot of people will lose their's.
15 Mar, 2010