By Bazza7777
United Kingdom
Just built a rockery in a small garden that only gets sun in late spring to late summer,ive planted a few alpines is it normal for a few leaves to go yellow in winter.

17 Dec, 2013
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rockery ideas
all year garden interest
I don't understand why it only gets the sun in spring to summer, unless you live at the North or South pole?
17 Dec, 2013
Good point Myron!
17 Dec, 2013
Because I live on the Wirral and my garden faces towards the Irish sea, and also I live on a on a slight hill.The front of my house has full sun most of the year,but the back garden is shaded by the only from around May to September does the sun get high enough to give my garden sun.Hope this explains things.My Garden faces NW the sun comes up in the east and sets in the west but only gets above my roof in the months ive stated.Think that's right.
17 Dec, 2013
Aah! That explains it, thanks Bazza.
17 Dec, 2013
Still would like to know which alpines you have planted...
18 Dec, 2013
Sorry ill get back to you, i got them from a nursery and thrown name tags away.
18 Dec, 2013
SEDUM spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco' ....ANTHEMIS cupaniana >
White daisy ...CAMPANULA carpatica 'Blue Clips'... Aubrieta....Dianthus....Erodium....Primula....Pulsatilla..A few more that I cant name...
18 Dec, 2013
Okay here goes with the info I can give you…
The Sedum spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco' is as tough as old boots but it really needs full sun and a free draining soil.
Anthemis punctata subsp. cupaniana also needs full sun.
Campanula carpatica will be fine with part shade.
Not sure how the Aubretia will take to no sun until May as it is an earlier flowerer - if it is happy you will need to prune back every year.
Can't give accurate comment on the Dianthus without knowing which one it is but, in general, they need full sun.
The Primula would probably prefer not to be in full sun in summer, but it depends which one it is.
Pulsatilla tend to need slightly moist conditions and a bit of shelter.
Remember that in their native habitat the plants will have been under snow cover from October - February/March, in some cases even later. Most of what you are growing though is rock garden plants rather than true alpines.
18 Dec, 2013
Thanks,ill see how they go over the summer,any advice on slighty larger flowering bushes etc that I can plant at the back...Il send pic if you want to give you an idea,i normally just fill this space with summer flowering annuals.
18 Dec, 2013
Hi Bazza yes, put a pic up and then we can all have a think.
18 Dec, 2013
Don't laugh its very first attempt,the rocks are there to keep soil up realy as garden is on a slope.Also it gets very windy sometimes as iam only 500 yards from the sea.
19 Dec, 2013
I think you've done very well, I would call what you have created a small raised bed rather than a rockery and it looks effective. Take a look at some of Bulbaholic's blogs to see the sort of thing we do.
How about a Daphne cneorum if space allows
or some heathers, you'll need to keep them well trimmed.
19 Dec, 2013
My Neighbour bought me a heather last year,but it died off..
19 Dec, 2013
Did you keep it watered until it had settled in?
19 Dec, 2013
Ill try again this year,and ill get a couple of the other that you recommended.Thankyou.I love abit of gardening but quiet new at it.
19 Dec, 2013
Bazza with the space you've got I'd only get one Daphne...
19 Dec, 2013
Will do,what about heathers are they all the same?
20 Dec, 2013
No Bazza all heathers are not the same take a look at
there is a huge variety of heathers and heaths from ones that stay dainty and small for years to others that will need a serious haircut each year. Different flower colours, flowering times you can actually have just about all year interest with different cultivars.
20 Dec, 2013
How many heathers do you think I need,best if I get summer flowering in white red,or yellow and purple.could you advise me on which ones to get.
29 Dec, 2013
So far as I am aware there are no yellow flowering heathers. Just go along to your local GC or nursery and buy when they are actually in flower to get the colours you want, the summer flowering heather is Erica cinerea or, alternatively, Calluna vulgaris but that will need to be pruned each year. In either case I wouldn't get more than five plants and aim for the small ones like E. cinerea Pink Ice. I'd suggest looking for ones with goof coloured foliage if they are all going to be summer flowering.
30 Dec, 2013
Thanks for all your help,i went to the garden centre and they recommended CONVOLVULUS CNEORUM SHRUB as i live by the sea,also PROSTANTHERA CUNEATA..could anyone recommend any summer flowering shrubs for pots in full sun.Or would the above be ok?
16 Jan, 2014
You might be better to ask about summer flowering shrubs as a new question as only Myron and myself will see this.
16 Jan, 2014
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Which particular alpines have you planted? With some, yes, leaves go yellow and/or die back completely in winter others stay green all year round.
17 Dec, 2013