By Sewingkilla
North Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
can someone tell me how to plant these? do they go horizontal or vertical, my guess is vertical but just want ot make sure! they are Arum Italicum
On plant
Arum italicum
- 17 Mar, 2010
oh thanks Volunteer that was quick! i think that white bit on the end one is probably an old leaf now i look at it so will plant that one at least that way up. they are going in my woodland bit at the bottom of the garden.
17 Mar, 2010
Are they the 'pictum ' type with lovely marbled leaves? These are great and just growing new leaves in my garden now.
17 Mar, 2010
when i dug some up they seemed to be on their side so I would pop them on their sides anyway just incase. They are a lovely plant too.
17 Mar, 2010
thanks both will do as you suggest seaburngirl, will try some on side and some upright
17 Mar, 2010
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If there is no way to tell the top from the bottom (look for small roots or shoots) then plant them on their sides. These are quite easy to grow so they won't mind being sideways, this is much better than upside down! They like a shady spot. Plant about 2 inches deep.
17 Mar, 2010