By Casandra
My acer which is about 5 years old seems to be dying, I noticed at the end of last summer the leaves on one side dropped earlier than the ones on the other side and that got the alarm bells ringing and now only a few branches have produced buds while the rest of the branches seem dead.
18 Mar, 2010
It's in the ground and was well watered last summer but is exposed to the wind, I have heard that they can get leaf burn but not that it can kill the tree, thanks for your reply.
18 Mar, 2010
It's in the ground and was well watered last summer but is exposed to the wind, I have heard that they can get leaf burn but not that it can kill the tree, thanks for your reply.
18 Mar, 2010
Did you prune it at all because they hate being cut back. Mine took a couple of years to get over the "trim" I gave it.
18 Mar, 2010
If the part that;s died back is on the side which gets the wind, it'll be that.
18 Mar, 2010
if the acer is not too exposed, it could also be Verticillium wilt, this affects branches individually by closing them down as it starts at the roots and the tree goes into survival mode.
18 Mar, 2010
I had the same problem with my Acer 4 or 5 years of age. The leaves started to dry up and drop off and branches started to die. I took a sample of the dying branch to my local nursery man he suggested that the sap flow was being restricted by a disease. He told me to trim all of the dead and dying wood back and watch it grow. The Acer fully recovered and looks healthier now than before the problem.
19 Mar, 2010
Previous question
« conifers lookm yellow and dead is this normal for time of year
Is it in the ground or in a pot? If in a pot did you keep it well watered when we had the very hot spell last year? Alternatively it is in an exposed windy position which they don't like.
18 Mar, 2010