The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Cleveland, United Kingdom Gb

Good day.
Just looking at an article you guys were commenting on regarding moving a fir tree, i have just (4 weeks ago) move a 10year old conifer and it is starting to go white and now brown! Has it had it or will it come back, also i have another 6 to move! Any advice.
I live in Teesside



you must make sure that you take as much soil with the 'root ball' as you can. Water well and hope it is ok. The other one does not sound to good but you might be lucky.

welcome to GoY too.

18 Mar, 2010


Conifers over a certain size can be tricky to move by digging out with a spade with any success regardless of type and that includes just about all genera such as Fir (Abies), Spruce (Picea), Pine (Pinus), False Cypress (Chamaecyparis), Cypress (Cupressus) or Juniper (Juniperus). As Sbg says, take as big a rootball as you can and water well (within reason). A really good soak between allowing to dry off is much better than constantly saturated at the roots. Many conifers are from mountain regions and like free drained soils so being constantly soaked especially after probable root damage is the last thing they want.

20 Mar, 2010

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