United Kingdom
When do I plant my anemone blanda bulbs (corms?!) I bought them in the Autumn at the same time as all my other bulbs, I'm wondering if I didn't plant them then for some reason i can't remember, or if I just forgot to plant them...! Many thanks, Charlie
18 Mar, 2010
You are really far to late! Get them in the ground now and treat any flowers you see this year as a bonus. They may struggle to flower.
18 Mar, 2010
Agree with Sbg. Try soaking them in water for 24 hours before planting. It might help.
18 Mar, 2010
I think I'll wait til the Autumn! Many thanks everyone x
19 Mar, 2010
I think you must have forgotten to plant them as they should have gone in then. pop them in asap and they may well flower/leaf for you. but they may not. depends how dry they have got.
18 Mar, 2010