By Gaia01
Midlothian, Scotland,
United Kingdom
What bush can I plant in my South facing garden. Ideally it will grow quickly to 8 feet or so ,will be evergreen, interesting foliage, and be able to withstand wind and pretty poor soil. (i'm not a fan of conifers)
18 Mar, 2010
Thanks Plantmaiden...I'll look into that...there seem to be dozens of different types...Is there one in particular that you'd recommend?
19 Mar, 2010
ive had a look in my dr.hessayon book and the evergreen ones are:
v.tinus 10ft.white flowers.dec-april
eve price,quenllian and variegatum are the best known varieties and probably easier to find,but im not sure if they are evergreen
the earlier one is v.farreri. 8ft with flower. now-feb
hope that gives you are start.
19 Mar, 2010
Thanks Plantmaiden.
20 Mar, 2010
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if you added a bit of humus maybe one of the viburnums would work.
18 Mar, 2010