By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
dilution ratio for winter wash please.
A friend has bought Vitax organic winter tree wash to treat her pear tree.
However there is only one label and that is the name label. There aren't any labels on the back of the bottle giving dosage nor ingredients. She cant remember where she bought it either.
Any one help please.
31 Dec, 2013
Vitax website says 50ml per litre of water.
1 Jan, 2014
That's brilliant thanks. I couldn't get their website to open as this computer belongs to work and it has allsorts of stupid 'access denied' blocks on it.
I'd have thought that they had to put ingredients on even if organic so if any one drank it etc they could get proper treatment.
1 Jan, 2014
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I'm not too sure of the ingredients of Vitax, it's organic, so the ingredients will probably be natural oils and soap. I do know that the dilution ratio is to Mix 50ml of concentrate with 1 litre of water.
Hope this helps?
31 Dec, 2013