shady areas of garden
By Alexander
United Kingdom
can you suggest which shrubs or plants are suitable for an area of garden shaded most of day by my neighbours and my own trees
17 Jun, 2008
fuchsia gereanium and ferns all tollerate shade.
17 Jun, 2008
Hostas too, and Hellebores in the spring. Impatiens grows well in shade, as an annual. Can I suggest that you borrow Beth chattos' book - 'The Shade Garden' - for LOTS of ideas.
17 Jun, 2008
sambucus ,black lace,like shaded area,bleeding hearts,dicentras! and some honeysuckles too!
24 Jun, 2008
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Can anyone tell me what this lovely yellow plant is called? »
aroidgardner posted stunning photos this morning - may give you some ideas . EE is Elephant Ear - common name. These work well with hosta, caladium, polkadot plant, fern, philodendron - all have verigated types for a "green and white" garden. Intersperse with shade blooming annuals. Are the trees deciduous? A leafy ground cover is good with all of these suggestions.
17 Jun, 2008