United Kingdom
I have just bought a new house and removed the 25x10ft shed at the bottom of the garden. It has left a hole just over 1ft deep. We would like to fill the hole and put a patio on half and a small shed on the other half. What do we use to fill the hole and level off the garden as it seems a shame to use expensive top soil as it will be covered up and wasted. What do you suggest?
21 Mar, 2010
You will need hard core for the area which is much cheaper than top soil. Cover the hard core with ballast. You can leave an air space underneath your new shed, use sharp sand for your patio which should bring up the level you require.
21 Mar, 2010
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I agree that you don't want to fill the hole with good topsoil. You can fill the hole with any 'hard' material that is not going to rot down. Builders rubble, stones or anything similar that you can scavage. Try not to have to buy material in but if you do so go to a quarry and buy direct. As you fill the hole tamp the material down to form a hard, firm surface to build on.
21 Mar, 2010