By Snake
United Kingdom
Can i take cuttings from a laural ? snake
21 Mar, 2010
One side of my back garden is a Laurel hedge. I only had one Laurel to begin with. All i did was cut about a 12" length of Laurel, take off the lower leaves and then pop it in the ground to a depth of 5 to 6". They root so easily that i now have about a stretch of 40'.
21 Mar, 2010
look at the lower branches as some that trail on the ground may have developed roots. you can cut the branch off there and pot it up.
when i pruned mine it had loads that i had to remove, cut some up for a neighbour are they are quite large now.
22 Mar, 2010
Thanks for the advice,Usernut,weather permitting will have a look this wk end. Snake
1 Apr, 2010
Hi pottingmad, thanks for advice regarding Laural cuttings. Going to have a go. Snake
1 Apr, 2010
Yes they take easily.
21 Mar, 2010