By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
please put me out of my misery!
Does any one have any idea what these are? I have been through my little book of purchases but I clearly didnt record them or if I did I dont recognise them. They are in a pot so I must have planted them.

21 Mar, 2010
That does ring a bell and I love yellow. But it isnt in my little book. These have been outside all winter. Is it a very hardy one then BA.
Thanks for the help. :o)
21 Mar, 2010
I bucharica is the only juno guaranteed to do OK out of doors in the UK.
Having said that I cannot grow it outside! Few growers believe me when I say this but my outdoor ones look like very undernurished leeks and don't flower.
Those in pots in the cold greenhouse are another matter and I have two large potfulls growing away nicely to flower just after Easter.
Yours are looking nice and healthy and I expect them to be fine.
21 Mar, 2010
thanks for the info.
21 Mar, 2010
Sbg - I have it outside but I haven't seen it yet this year :-(
21 Mar, 2010
dont give up hope these came through -12 and lots of snow etc. I cant wait to see them flower I hope they will in their first year with me. I assume they are a bulbous type. But I have no recollection of them at all.
21 Mar, 2010
This reminds me of my mother. "Steve, whats this perennial coming through, I've forgotten". Lol
22 Mar, 2010
and i am not that senior yet. they say with every child you lose a little of your brain. I only have 2 kiddies help!!! :o)
22 Mar, 2010
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It is one of the Juno irises. most are very difficult to grow and require great care in a bulb house. Therefore I am going to suggest the easiest of this group, Iris bucharica and it will have yellow flowers.
21 Mar, 2010