United Kingdom
How can I get rid of 'Bears breeches'. Whenever I try to dig them up new shoots always appear!
23 Mar, 2010
It took me the best part of 3 years to get rid of it here.
In my experiences of removing it i dug most of it out by hand, kept applying weedkiller and then all the (many) new shoots that it kept sending up i dug out again and applied more weedkiller.
It's an awful plant to have when/where you don't want it and it will put up one hell of a fight before it dies off.
23 Mar, 2010
Another way is to dig out all you can then keep mowing over it - or cover with membrane.
23 Mar, 2010
I tried the membrane bit and believe it or not, it just popped its ugly head up 'outside' of the covered area - it's awful stuff.
23 Mar, 2010
Oh Louise. I had to laugh...sorry! ;-/
23 Mar, 2010
Grrrrr !
I hate this stuff !
In the correct position and location it's a great plant, unfortunately for me it was somewhere completely wrong and unsuitable though.
Guest, where are you ?
Tell us more of 'your' predicament !
24 Mar, 2010
I like it in my top border - it's architectural, but I do have to keep it within bounds.
24 Mar, 2010
With difficulty - the roots go to Australia. Just keep digging, unless you want to use weedkiller on it.
23 Mar, 2010