By Efbond
United Kingdom
HELP I live in the country and I have just started to plant my new veggie patch. My problem is a have a cock pheasant that won't leave my garden I have tried everything from chasing him shouting at him and he just keeps coming back I can get within a couple of feet of him and he just turns round and look at me. When you have finished laughing any suggestions?????
25 Mar, 2010
can you borrow a dog for a little while and give the pheasant a head start . i think its the pheasnts breeding seasan and once they get mating in mind they realy quite forget everything else.he will go eventualy after hes done his asuming as you havnt said hes eating your sprouting vedge.the other option is to get a power squirter or a week bb gun that just stings a bit.the other option is to have pheasant for next sunday lunch.i hope ive helped take care bye for now .
25 Mar, 2010
wow how close was our same answers bertiefox lol .
25 Mar, 2010
An old poachers trick was to soak some raisins in rum and lay them out for the pheasant - then you juist go and pick the bird up. What you do with it then is down to personal choice! :-)
25 Mar, 2010
You may have to resort to fencing around your veggies. Oh and a cat will work just as well as a dog to keep the pheasant out of the garden
25 Mar, 2010
Thank you so much for your answers I will keep you posted.
25 Mar, 2010
your more than welcome efbond
25 Mar, 2010
Good luck Efbond
25 Mar, 2010
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No cock or hen pheasant would come within a hundred metres of our garden as we have a large dog! Quite seriously, if you have a friend or neighbour with a dog which could be put on a chain in your garden for a day or two (not cruel if you take it for frequent walks) it would put the fear of God into the pheasant who will go to find less dangerous places.
Otherwise, try downloading the alarm call of a pheasant and play this loudly on a loudspeaker at random intervals for a day or two. You could also try playing a recording of a kestrel or buzzard.
25 Mar, 2010