Can anyone help me identify this plant?
By Haha_u
United Kingdom
My Grandma gave me this plant that she grew from a cutting and we are not too sure what it is.
We would appreciate if anybody could put forward any suggestions as to what it could be?

23 Sep, 2007
Kalanchoe. They flower in winter and like lots of food in summer and indirect light and humidity. You can cut them back after flowering and they will thicken up again from the middle of the plant. There are several flower colours.
24 Sep, 2007
Are the edges of the leaves smooth or are they serrated, like a carving knife? If serrated then agree with Argerfenhouse. My first answer would be wrong then.
24 Sep, 2007
Yes, the leaves are serrated. That's a real help.
Thanks very much!
25 Sep, 2007
Previous question
Crassula arborea, Jade Plant? or Money tree.
23 Sep, 2007