By Robert75
United Kingdom
iv got a new allotment can i transplant onions and garlic
25 Mar, 2010
Short answer 'no'
25 Mar, 2010
When you say 'transplant' to you actually mean 'plant' as in, can I now plant onions and garlic? If so, then Yes, you can plant onions now, either as sets (little one-year old onions) for this year or as seeds for onions next year. Garlic is another kettle of fish tho - you have to plant garlic about early winter time as it needs to have a period of cold in order to form a bulb.
25 Mar, 2010
To grow onions for show we transplanted the seedlings in March from a large pot to the prepared bed. Remove the seedlings from the pot without breaking the roots. Put a long board across your plot, use the edge as a line, have a long trowel and put the roots in straight down. The onions planted on pig manure produced bulbs 19" round and weighed 6 and a quarter pounds. The best onions I grow now are sown in March thinly in drills and produce bulbs up to the size of an egg.
26 Mar, 2010
Flippin' eck Dr B! That's onehellov an onion!
27 Mar, 2010
You ready to eat it Sid... I'm not!!!
27 Mar, 2010
They'd be able to smell my breath in China! lol
27 Mar, 2010
28 Mar, 2010
Previous question
Probably not because when you lift then you are going to break the contact between the roots and the soil. This will not be re=established and the onions/garlic will stop growing.
25 Mar, 2010