By Cleo1st
Clackmannanshire, United Kingdom
After the really bad frosts andwea
ther our Crinodenron which we have had for at least 15 years and is planted in the ground seems decidedly "poorly" all thelaves are brown andno sign of any new shoots... What canw e do?
- 26 Mar, 2010
Don't give up on it yet, Cleo. We had the same with our Crinodendron after last winters hard weather and I quite thought it was dead. We decided to leave it be for while and it came back to life, produced green leaves and flowered. At the moment it looks the same as yours. Is it alive or is it dead. I do have my fears but, after last years experience, we will give it time, even though this might be several more months.
26 Mar, 2010
Previous question
Oh dear, sounds like its actually dead. Scrape the bark back in several places, starting from the top and working down, just a tiny bit (with your fingernail or something). If the wood underneath is brown and dry, it's dead - if you come across a part lower down that's green, or at least not brown and dry, it might recover.
26 Mar, 2010