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West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Hi, Is this the right time to plant summer bulbs or am i tad too late?



No not too late go ahead and plant now

27 Mar, 2010


Not even started on ours yet, the sub soil is still very cold.

27 Mar, 2010


My entire garden is in containers and facing south so sitting in full sun most of the day. I think the soil temperature is fine. Just not sure if i'm too late or too early? Has anyone planted their summer bulbs yet?

27 Mar, 2010


yes now is the time, ive started mine inside in pots :o)

27 Mar, 2010


Just put some glads in today.

27 Mar, 2010


I planted 100 Summer bulbs today, Gladioli included, garden now full of white labels marking where they are! : o )

27 Mar, 2010


well done megan bet that took some time, hows your back after all that :o))

27 Mar, 2010


Hi Sandra, I couldn't use the kneeling pad as my shoes would have sunk behind me ! They've gone in groups of 3 or 5 but it still took a while, back ok so far, tomorrow may not be so good! Only 3 out of the 100 were no good, so I'm happy with that. : o ) )

27 Mar, 2010


have a good soak megan, yes thats good not many bad ones at all, keep us posted on growth :o)

27 Mar, 2010


No bath ... shower only ! lol

27 Mar, 2010


oh dear well stand with spray direct on back and nice and hot lol megan

27 Mar, 2010


I could always borrow the shower stool from Mum . . . . . .no I'm not that bad (yet) ! : o ) )

27 Mar, 2010


Tiger balm (no it isn't an animal product) works wonders for aches and pains though.

27 Mar, 2010


lol megan ;o) yes ive heard of that mrs MB, surpose to be good :o)

27 Mar, 2010


Ah yes, Tiger balm was recommended to my daughter when she was a student, one of her room mates dated a male nurse and he said lots of the nursing staff used it. My back is ok so far, I do try to bend properly but don't always remember ! : o )

27 Mar, 2010


We never remember to bend properly... couple of 'Wooden Tops'

27 Mar, 2010

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