By Tiger1234
United Kingdom
Can anybody please tell me, what's attacking the brand new buds on my climbing rose?- no sign of obvious pests!
29 Mar, 2010
It may be frost damage, this can cause distortions in the new growth. There is nothing to be done about this as the damage has already been caused.
29 Mar, 2010
Thanks for the reply -Spritzhenry & Volunteer. The shoots are so small i don't think a photo would really come out too well!
I am pretty sure it's not frost damage, as we have had no frost since it started shooting.
At the end of last year i had to prune right back as it had grown very leggy. it is now sending numerous shoots out in all directions. the species is- Golden Showers and had masses of flowers. The new shoots are still pink and are not yet in leaf.- hope this is more imformation.
29 Mar, 2010
Wind damage, possibly? I've got several shrubs which came through the frots - but chilly winds have 'burnt' the new leaves.
29 Mar, 2010
I would think that the plant will grow out of the problem as long as the next batch of shoots are not damaged.
29 Mar, 2010
Thanks for the prompt reply everyone!
Would covering the plant at night do any good, as the attack only seems to occur then, untill the better weather arrives?
29 Mar, 2010
You could try some fleece, but the thorns might make it tricky to remove again. Roses are generally very hardy and it should grow OK later.
29 Mar, 2010
Thanks Volunteer, you're probably right. It is very sheltered, growing against a wall.
29 Mar, 2010
Previous question
A photo would help. Tiger.
29 Mar, 2010