By Jasper
United Kingdom
The trunk and branches of my Japanese Acer are grey in colour and there are no buds appearing anywhere. I had had this plant for about 2 years, the first year it grew beautifully and had lovely leaves. Following this bad winter spell I am afraid that it has died? Is there anything I can do?
Asked from the GoYpedia
evergreens page
29 Mar, 2010
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Leave it for a while to see if it re-sprouts from lower down.
29 Mar, 2010
You've asked this question from the Evergreens page but Japanese Acers are not evergreen. Some of our don't have much in the way of bud evidence yet but they are all alive.
29 Mar, 2010
Scrape back a bit of the bark covering on the main trunk - if its obviously dead, then it hasn't survived the winter. Unusual for an acer, unless its in a very exposed position, or you had it in a pot outside over winter.
29 Mar, 2010