I have a courtyard where I want to have lots of pots filled with wispy type flowers. I am not one for neat gardens but prefer messy plants that look as though they have just got out of bed. Any suggestions?
29 Mar, 2010
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courtyard gardens
tall and wavy is verbena bonariensis.
29 Mar, 2010
yes, lovely! I have lots of this. You may also want to grow some chunkier looking plants to offset all the wispiness?
30 Mar, 2010
Thank you Volunteer and Seaburngirl. Very helpful suggestions and I will be off to the garden centre as soon as this snow and wind and rain abates. Can you imagine - its almost easter too!
30 Mar, 2010
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I expect that there are sunny and shady parts in the courtyard. These will need different types of plants. For the shady side try Saxifraga x urbium (London Pride) for a red/pink/white frothy effect. Tiarella grandiflora also thrives in shade and is VERY frothy but only 8 inches tall. Astilbes will enjoy partial shade and have good leaves too. For the sunny side try Gaura and a small grass such as Deschampsia, this has very airy flowerheads that last well through winter too. Tuck a few little bulbs inbetween for spring interest. Tulipa accuminata is stunning.
29 Mar, 2010