I can get free pine pallets, are they ok for using as a retaining garden bed?
29 Mar, 2010
Here in the American desert, we only use pine pallets to make compost bins, and we don't expect them to last for more than a year, between rot and termites.
30 Mar, 2010
You can use them for short term structures such as compost bins but they will rot in a year or so. As they are free I would use them and replace as necessary.
30 Mar, 2010
i would use them for something but i dont know how often i would want my lovley raised bed colapsing.often bye the nature of your raised bed you wont know till it colapses as the dirt is on the fence round me front garden which you can see on my blogs is made of it but its concrete posts that go into the soil and after 4 years there still going strong and easy to replace.pitty you havnt got a wood burner in your garden as pallets make great tinder.
30 Mar, 2010
Just don't try to burn any that are tinted green--that's an arsenic-based preservative!
31 Mar, 2010
good thinking tugbrethil ive never come across those myself thanx for that.
31 Mar, 2010
I don't think they are allowed in the UK.
31 Mar, 2010
ow i wonderd why i hadnt sean them bulbaholic.thanks for that .
31 Mar, 2010
Previous question
no there not realy as wood is never good with wet soil next to it even if its bean treated.old railway sleepers made of wood are about the best if you can still get them as they are realy realy chunky and saturated in oil from all the trains year in year out.tanalised chunkier wood is better but it to will rot away reasnably quickly.pallet would is good for making the picket part of a fence as i have used them myself.i know some people will dissagree with me on here but i have a basic rule dont put soil next to wood.ive had wood in my garde for 13 years and its as solid as when i put it in but none of it touches the soil.its all bolted onto can see my garden on some of my blogs if youd like to.even if you did use wood still not pallet wood .its just my opinion.ive had a treated fence post buried in soil for one year and its rotted out and blown over.i even had a concrete block resting against a treated fence post for a couple of years above ground and when i moved it just wear the block had held the moisture next to the wood it had rotted to the point of being crumbly.this is just wear the moisture was held between the block and the post constantly.
30 Mar, 2010