By Dobbie
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
please can you tell me the difference between two cherry trees I have I believe one is called hedel finest I think cant read the writing and sunburstalso inyour view which is the better of the two I live in scarborough yourkshire thank you
30 Mar, 2010
Same here, Sunburst is an excellent self-fertile sweet cherry, one of the best sellers at our GC in fact. Not heard of the other one.
30 Mar, 2010
I found a reference to one called Prunus Hedel's Finger, but it carried no useful information, it was a scientific site.
31 Mar, 2010
Previous question
Only details I can find of any use are on Sunburst - seems to be a self fertile very sweet cherry - sounds good, never grown it. The other one, not sure.
30 Mar, 2010