By Bainliam
United Kingdom
Can anyone recommend any Annuals, Herbaceous Perennials and Flowering shrubs that make good cut flowers.
Any suggestions most welcome and appreciated
11 Jan, 2014
Annual Rudbeckias make good cut flowers :o) They bloom in late summer ....
11 Jan, 2014
didn't list the perennials there are lots: delphiniums, michaelmas daisies, phlox, gladioli, dahlia. Lots of the plants I grow I cut for their flowers and the same with foliage.
11 Jan, 2014
Larkspur and Molucella
11 Jan, 2014
Re flowering shrubs - avoid flowering currant as although its pretty and dainty it smells like cat pee when brought into the house!
11 Jan, 2014
Forsythia is a nice flowering shrub to cut and bring in the house. It flowers in late winter. Bring a few branches in during February/March, and they will open to give a splash of sunshine yellow on a dark winter's day :o)
11 Jan, 2014
Hi, rather than just give you a few off the top of my head, I'vehad a look at an old gardening book, so here goes.
Achillea p, Acidanthera b, Agapanthus p, Alstromeria p,
Anaphalis p, Anemone p, Anthemis p. Antirrhinum a p,
Aquilegia p, Aster p, Astilbe p, Calendula a, callistephus a, catananche a p, centaurea p, Cheiranthus {now Erysimum} p, Chrysanthemum p, Clarkia a, Coreopsis a p, Cortaderia p, Cosmos a, Dahlia p, Delphinium a p,
Dianthus a p, Digitalis a p, Doronicum p, Echinops p,
Erigeron p, Eryngium p, Gaillardia a p, Geum p, Gladiolus bulb, Godetia a, Gypsophilla a p, Helenium p, Helianthus a p, Helichrysum a, Helipterum a, Heuchera p, Iberis a, Iris b p , Lathyrus a, Lilium b, Limonium a p, lupinus p, Lychnis p, Mathiola a, Molucella a, Monarda p, Narcissus b, Nigella a, Oenothera p, Paeonia p, Phlox p, Physostegia p, Pyrethrum p, Reseda a, Rudbeckia p, Scabiosa p, Schizostylis p, Silene a p, Solidago p, Sparaxis b, Trollius p, Tulipa b, Valeriana p, x Venidio-arctotis p, Verbascum a p, Verbena a p, Zantedeschia b, Zinnia a.
Hope this helps, Derek.
11 Jan, 2014
I cut the flowers that have yummiest smell, so for me that's sweet peas, lily of the valley, roses, mahonia, honeysuckle, would be freesias too if I could grow them without the corms rotting.
Then I fill in with pretty foliage from ferns, heucheras, cosmos, nigella and its seedheads, alchemilla and its flowers.
Are you thinking of cutting for your own house, or something more grand like a wedding reception or a church? For all year round or for a particular date? Also if you're cutting for somebody unwell or a child, or a house with cats, think about irritants and toxins they could be in contact with.
I made a gorgeous arrangement for husband's Nan's funeral, with foxgloves, late hellebores, love-lies-bleeding, euphorbia, then I found out after the service that all the flowers were being taken to an old folks' home to 'cheer the place up' - and everything I'd cut was hazardous in some way to them!
12 Jan, 2014
Thanks to everyone who has replied to me - most appreciated it has certainly given me some good ideas.
12 Jan, 2014
I grow the annual asters , stocks, love in a mist [Nigella], specifically for cutting. Larkspur in previous years too.
11 Jan, 2014