By Broom
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
In october we planted 30 berberis darwinii as a hedge. Before we did, manure was added to help them grow next to the east facing new wall. The manure being a mix of horse and chicken. 4 have gone brown/dead.Have we been too kind to them?
30 Mar, 2010
I agree, sounds like cold damage. Leave for now and see what happens though the only slight question mark here is how much manure? If in doubt, only apply around the base of the plant on top of the soil after planting. It will soon leach nutrients down into the soil, especially with all the rain we seem to get now! The worms will do the rest pulling the organic content into the soil at night once it has released it's nutrients. Root scorch is a possibility but after this winter, who knows?
30 Mar, 2010
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Shouldn't think so - if the four are all together, perhaps they suffered more from the cold weather over winter?
30 Mar, 2010