By Harrrybob2
United States
would like to buy a blue spike flower i saw growing in Kenya
I think it echium and would like it for my Florida garden
31 Mar, 2010
These grow very easily from seed. I am assuming it is the very tall Echium pininana you want. If you can't get seed in the States you can certainly have some sent from the UK on eBay. You are lucky living in Florida. We just had the coldest winter in 31 years and I lost all mine this year. They are biennial where you live, where I live (USDA zone 8b), although I have some seed to re-start, they take 3 years and are marginally hardy. You do know they die after flowering don't you?
31 Mar, 2010
Thompson & Morgan (use the US website) has 3 types on offer. I prefer the E. fastuosum which gets over 4 ft. tall and lasts several years. It also self-seeds freely and mine is in bloom right now. The tall one can require staking.
31 Mar, 2010
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you can get them on ebay here in uk so maybe you could in usa to
31 Mar, 2010