By Yeldham
United Kingdom
i have a camelia in a pot, it is growing tall but has not flowered
31 Mar, 2010
I think it may be because it is in a pot. I tried this on our patio and got the same result. I moved to the garden nearby, where it still gave no flower. I moved it again near to the other camellias. For the last 3 or 4 years it has slowly grown, as they do, and flowered well. Try an ericaceous fertiliser, into the pot and possibly a larger pot, or do as I did.......out into the garden in a place sheltered from the early morning sun. They don't mind shade. the camellia is really a largish shrub which seems not always to like being potted. It may be that it can be successfully kept, over time, in a pot. Also they need to be well watered, especially with rain water, in late july,august and september, to promote buds for next bloom period, which is January through to now......very dependant on weather conditions...they trickle bloom in mild winters......explode together after a severe winter.
1 Apr, 2010
Dorjac is quite right I have one in a pot which is in a light but shady spot, the watering and feeding are so very important so follow the advice and hope its better next year
1 Apr, 2010
I want to know how long its been in the pot, how big is the pot, and where is it standing (in terms of east, west or south facing, etc.) and whether you've been feeding it with anything and if so, what.
1 Apr, 2010
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« where can I get hold of a few Arctotis Red devil seed Regards James
bit more info please, how old, where is it situated and has it ever flowered
1 Apr, 2010